The Maple Family

The Maple Family


3rd BirthDAY!

Today was Aly's actual birthday. Matt and I grew up with the family tradition of eating out on your birthday at the restaurant of your choice. So, today was Aly's choice and for her birthday dinner, she chose to eat guessed it! Chuck E Cheese!

So we baked cupcakes together and joined the family for dinner and fun at Chuck E Cheese.
It wasn't very busy since it was a week night, so surprisingly it was a calm enjoyable evening!

Aly wasn't so sure about Chucky - she kept her distance!

Birthday girl!
Here is Aly riding her new Dora bike from Mommy & Daddy.

She got on and flew! She rode a few houses down (w/o any pushes) and even turned around by herself - by turning and pedaling! We were very proud of her. Now Mommy's ready to go for far do you think she can go without getting tired?!

These are her new princess skates...I don' think she has to worry about falling!

5 months old

I know - it's hard to believe that our little man is already 5 months old. It's truly amazing how fast time flies! Here are some of his 5 month pics I took. Enjoy! :)

School - Birthday!

Aly celebrated her birthday with her friends at school. Mommy even got to go and visit for the day! :) On your birthday, you get lots of special privileges at school. Here are the highlights of her day!

Aly got to help lead the class in saying the pledge, weather, etc.

She also got to be the "line leader"! (There shoes are off, because they are headed to play in The Park)

Here's Aly and her friends playing in The Park (indoor 2-story playroom).

Aly hard at work playing with her friends.

Aly brought Dora plates, cupcakes, string cheese and milk (all her picks). She got to pass out the cups to all of her friends and sit at the head of the table.

After snack once a week, they do show-n-tell. Aly took her Dora doll, because she just got 3 new outfits for her. She also performed the Dora theme song (as requested by her assistant teacher....they think it's a riot!).

Lastly, Aly passed out her goody bags as her friends left for the day.

What fun it was to be apart of her special day!

Soccer Girl

Aly has really started to take a liking and interest in soccer. Here are some pictures of her playing in our front yard. Our older neighbor girls both play and she can't wait to be like them!

Here is her "throw-in".

She can actually even dribble the ball! Future pro!

Back to the 80's

Last week I took Aly to our new skating rank. I felt like I had stepped back into the 80's. (Did anyone else have school skating nights on Fridays?!) Since I was helping her I didn't get to skate this time, but next time - watch out for Mommy! After falling a lot at the beginning, Aly finally got the hang of it and began to like it again.
I didn't think to take her knee pads, so next time we'll be sure to take them, along with her new princess skates that she got for her she has her own!

Going on 16!

While spending time cleaning out the car, garage, etc. Aly decided to climb in the car and "pretend" to drive. She put on her sunglasses, buckled up and was ready to go!

(This is why you don't ever leave your keys in the car!)

New Moves

I haven't really worked much on rolling over lately....I've found a new way of getting around. AKA The 360!

Aly the Entertainer

Aly loves to entertain guests, but this time it was a dance & singing show for Mommy and brother.

Usually the minute someone steps foot in the door, Aly says "Watch this!"
(This started for attention after Braden was born. She doesn't do it as often now...)


Look at me!

Well, as of today, Braden is no longer safe unattended on the changing table! He has now learned to roll from his back to his stomach. I realized this morning that he was getting close, but as you can see below, the door was in his way. Of course when he finally did do it, I didn't even see! So here are pictures from his "practice round"!

Just Sharing....

Most would be elated to hear their child sharing with another, however, I've learned to be concerned when I hear the words "I'm just sharing with brother..."

Okay, this time it wasn't so bad...he did seem to like to colorful colors of the Wonder Pets that joined him in the swing.

This too was cute and not so bad, until she started swinging at the toys and kicking her legs! She hasn't become fully aware of how big her range is.
This evening however was a different story! Aly had a small bowl of cereal for a snack and as I was cleaning up the kitchen, I hear the words "I'm just sharing with brother.." I turned around "What?!" Aly had stuck a small cereal star in his mouth and was smiling at the fact that she was sharing her favorite snack! Bless her heart! She now knows that even though he is eating oatmeal/baby food, that doesn't mean he can have her food! Luckily it was just laying in the front of his mouth and I was able to sweep it out! Then she wanted to share with just makes you laugh and enjoy being a part of their learning process...