The Maple Family

The Maple Family


Transition Time AKA Crazy Time

Well, we are officially in limbo! We were supposed to be out of our house by Sunday (Monday afternoon at the latest), however things have not gone as planned. I went to the closing while Matt kept loading/moving things. The couple took possession at closing (3:30pm Monday) and even arrived at the house while we were still trying to get out (nice huh?)! They kindly agreed to let us use the garage space until we got everything out, because they wouldn't really be moving things until Thursday. So, once again after work tonight Matt loaded and moved more things and needless to say we still aren't done! Oh yeah, we won't be done until morning when Matt takes the last trip to storage. We will have successfully filled 2 SAMS (storage and moving units) and 2 storage units. Yes, we know that means we have to much CRAP!!! We have taken over my in-laws dining room and basement. Now the fun continues with trying to unpack/organize our things. We will be happy to go to bed before 2 am sometime this weekend and hopefully get more than 5 hours of sleep!