The Maple Family

The Maple Family


Baby Maple #2

Here is a picture of the baby from my last ultrasound. The baby is already bigger than Aly was when she was born and is continuing to grow everyday! Look at those chubby cheeks! Anyone want to change their predictions? :) ( I have another appointment next friday (11/9) and will know more after I'm checked again. It will then be decided if I'll be induced early the next week or around the 18th. Either way we will have a baby to be greatly thankful for by this Thanksgiving!

Happy Halloween

Aly was SO excited this year to dress up! We've been talking about costumes for a few months now. She picked this one out a while back.... Isn't she a cheeser! She's been telling everyone about being Hello Kitty and the night to go trick-or-treating finally arrived! Oh how she was into it this year - she made mommy walk with her around 90% of the neighborhood!
Here's a picture of Aly and her cousin Izzie. We couldn't convince Liam to get dressed up for pictures. The girls were to precious!

For all of our "family" parties last weekend, we were M&M's. Aly was a "mini", Daddy was a "regular" (believe it or not) and Mommy was a "peanut" (baby=peanut :)
Mommy had to do something really easy this energy is rapidly dwindling! We had a time - Thanks to the wonderful hosts!


Aly's 2 1/2 yr. Photos

Carving Pumpkins

Here's the start of the pumpkin carving adventure! Aly picked out what kind of face she wanted. She choose to have circle eyes, triangle nose and a mouth with teeth. However, she wanted daddy to do it all. She especially wanted NOTHING to do with cleaning the inside out!

Here's Aly as she "supervised" holding our baby pumpkin!

Here's her completed pumpkin.

Aly went and got her camera so that she could help take pictures!

Here's the whole family!

Pumpkin Patch 2007

Well, we picked a nice day to go to the pumpkin patch with Matt's family. First, we took a hayride out to the pumpkin patch.

Here's the cousins being silly in the patch. It was so much fun listening to them talk as they tried to decide on a pumpkin. Some were too dirty, t00 big, too small, etc. The searched for the perfect one to take home as theirs!

Here's the final one that Aly picked out. She was very proud of it! (As if you couldn't tell!)

Picnic Time

Here I captured Aly having a picnic with her doll and a dog. She had given them her snack (pretzels & string cheese). She served them and talked to them as they picnicked together. It was so precious!


Baby Update!

Well, I had a doctor's appointment and ultrasound this week. I have been measuing 2-4 weeks ahead! My ultrasound measured the baby at 5 1/4 pounds already and still about 2 weeks ahead of schedule. As we near the baby's arrival and finalize our name list, we thought we'd start a little survey about the baby - follow this link


Miss Scrapbooker

I have been trying to get the baby's scrapbook done, so it is ready to plop pictures in. In order to spend some time doing that, Aly has decided that she needs to scrapbook as well. So, here is her set up and boy does she think she is the queen!

Attention Moms

This is great! It's a good laugh for all you moms out there! For some of us it's a scary insight to the future, some a current battle and some a past reflection! Enjoy :)