The Maple Family

The Maple Family


Going to the Hospital

Well, after about a 3 hour doctor's visit, full of tests, we have decided to start the induction Thursday, November 8th. My preeclampsia symptoms have maintained and I have been able to be on minimal pain meds since I got home from the hospital Tuesday night. Upon arriving at the doctor's today, my weight gain was only 2 lbs (+), my blood pressure was down (+), my swelling was average (+), my blood work was all good (+), my protein levels didn't increase too much (+), however, the baby did not pass the non-stress test (-). They ended up doing a biophysical profile (extensive ultrasound) to check and make sure that the baby was responding okay and it scored an 8/10, so the doctor was not as concerned, but doesn't want us to wait too long. So, we are set to go in Thursday evening in hopes that the baby will come sometime Friday or Saturday (37 weeks). So, please pray that the induction goes quicker than it did with Aly and that we all come through healthy and well. I will have to be put on magnesium (because of being preeclamptic so I don't have seizures afterward), but hopefully it will be able to wait until after the baby is delivered so that it doesn't have to have any. We'll keep you all updated either through as many phone calls as we can make over the weekend, or via the blog early next week! Thanks for all the support and prayers!


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


If it goes 48 hours again there is a slight possibility the new Maplette (I also thought of Baple) will share Lily's birthday....

Anonymous said...

We pray all are healthy and that is doesn't take too long.

The Stamms said...

Good luck and keep us posted!

Unknown said...

Sooo...does this mean you won't be at Lilly's birthday party?? JK! Can't wait to meet new baby Maple! Hope it isn't as long at Aly!