The Maple Family

The Maple Family


Summarizing May

Okay, so I've been a horrible blogger! (Some of you can stop reminding me now!) School is over for the year and now I will try to keep up better! Since May has come and gone since my last entry, I'll just summarize it for you.......BUSY! The Maples had a lot going on and June is going to be just as busy, if not busier. We've spent a lot of time outside, with friends and keeping our house clean for showings. Here are some May pics...

Aly "graduating" from the 2's class.
Ever since she turned 3, Aly has been talking about going to her new room next year. After their little "graduation" ceremony, Aly turned to me and said "I want to stay in the 2's forever!" I don't think she liked seeing her favorite teachers sad that their little friends were moving on! As a teacher I can relate....not matter what kind of student, they've always left a print on your heart!

We have a double jogger (which helped me train for the Indy 500 - 5K....try jogging with two kids!) and recently got a bike trailer, so we have spent A LOT of our time at home walking and riding/biking. Both kids just LOVE being outside! Here's a picture of Aly pushing Braden on a walk.

We concluded the Indy 500 celebrations by attending the parade. This year, Aly's favorite was the Carebears. She made me take lots of pictures this year (but many look the same as last year, so I'll spare you)!