We and half of Indianapolis went to the Children's Museum to see Curious George exhibit on President's Day, because the museum was open for free. We got up and went early, so it really wasn't too bad until closer to the time that we left. (FYI - We were kinda disappointed in the Curious George exhibit compared to some that we've had....for those of you who haven't been and plan on going.)
This is closer than I could get them! Aly knew he wasn't real, but still didn't want close!

Braden hung out and watched everything!
Then we went to the robot exhibit, which Aly somewhat enjoyed. It was a great exhibit for older kids!
Watch out! She's going to have a lead foot!
Believe it or not, Aly spent a lot of time in this Healthy Living House. She pretended to fix a meal and eat it....of course with her favorite things - corn and grapes! I even got video of this because she pretended to pick off the grapes, pick up the silverware (which was a flat picture), butter her corn, etc. - it was a hoot!
Lastly to Aly's favorite area, where we spend the most time. I'm not sure what we are going to do when they redo this part of the Science Works. Aly enjoys shoveling "rocks" into a wheelbarrow, pushing them to the dump area and then using the bulldozer to move them around. She shared really well and worked with other kids to get the job done!
Thanks to Grammy for going with! I'm not ready to do any big adventures with two yet!
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