Aly was invited to a friends "Princess Party" and boy was it just that!
The girls were to wear a princess outfit (Aly loves blue and has only really ever seen Cinderella - so that's who she was). They started out at a salon to get "All Dolled Up".
Aly has only gone once with me to my hair salon, so at first, she wasn't so sure what to think. Luckily Aly hair has beautiful curls, so we were able to skip the curling iron and that helped ease her. (People always ask me if I curl her hair...are you kidding me?! They must not know how hard it is for a mother to even get ready with kids!)
Here is the beautiful result...
We may have our hands full in a few years! The girls each decorated a small purse with princess foamies and got to pick from baskets of favors (lip gloss, bracelets, necklaces, tiaras, hair bows, fingernail polish, etc.)
Here's Aly with the birthday girl, Abby....and her other friend Claire.
Don't they all look so precious!
After getting dolled up, they were ready for the tea party...and cake!
Here is a picture of Aly sipping her tea (I bet you can't guess what she's drinking?! - For those of you who don't know, Aly only drinks milk!) She caught on quick to handling the cup, but was quickly disappointed to how much was inside! She asked for refills quite often!
The awesome castle cake was also a hit!

What a party! Aly had a wonderful time and I couldn't believe how much work the mother put into this party! I could take enough video and pictures! The "tea room" all was decorated with draped tulle and covered chairs with tulle bows. Even Belle (the birthday girl's favorite) showed up at the tea party! What fun Aly had! (Mom too!)
too grown up!! (but very pretty!)
Wow! I can't imagine what that mom is going to do for her daughter when she gets older! That is pretty extensive for three year olds! What a bunch of beautiful little girls though!
Awww...too adorable.
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