First in...Braden. He is finally starting to be okay with baths as long as he is 1/2 covered in WARM water! (Here you can see his umbilical hernia.)

Out goes Braden, in goes Aly. Yes, I did decide to use one of those cute robe sets. They are cute, but we never take the time to use I took a picture to prove usage!

Here's a picture of Aly's art work in the bathtub. She currently has been into drawing faces. Remember, she's only 2 1/2! Look carefully for the "eyes", "nose", "smile", "hair" and "ears"!

Lastly, Aly painted Mommy's toenails and made them pretty!
And...her hair finally ALL fits in a ponytail! She thinks that she's a BIG GIRL now!
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