Well, the month began with holiday traditions.
Baking cookies and making a gingerbread house (eating the gumdrops is still a favorite). We also made ornaments and a foam gingerbread train, but I guess I didn't get pictures.
Aly's preschool class had a program to share the Christmas story.
(We had camera issues, so I don't really have any good pics of the program.)
Aly's class also spent a day on each part of the Christmas story. I showed up early to get pics each day. The first two are of course "Shepard" pictures. The first was on her walk to Bethlehem and the second was after they found baby Jesus. She was telling the good news with a friend. Aly was SO EXPRESSIVE! It was too much! I got it all on tape! She was even showing everyone with her hands how big he was! Too cute! The last is a picture of her giving her gift to Jesus as a "Wisemen". She apparently made Him something. Some kids in her class said that they would give Him their special blankets, their Cars, etc. Aly loves to draw and write, so it was interesting that she choose to give him some of her "pieces" (not sure if that's as hard to give up though?)

Although was spend most of our focus on the true meaning of Christmas, we spend a little on the fun, childhood memory making times.
Aly saw Santa twice, yet Braden slept through both visits... so I'm a little bummed about that - no pic :( I guess his first will be next year...not screaming pic this year!
Braden looked so cute on Christmas Eve! (Thanks to a cousin hand-me-down!)
We went to the late evening service and then celebrated with Jesus' birthday cake!
...And the opening of the jammers!

Don't they look so cute?! Lastly,
Aly set out the cookies and milk for Santa.
This year she was insistent on leaving him three! (Maybe because we give her treats in 3's because she's 3 years old? Guess I should've asked...)
Christmas morning was a little different this year. We had our "family" Christmas in the basement before heading "upstairs" for the rest of the extended family Christmas. It ended up working out pretty well. I made an awesome Sausage Bread for the family (thanks Mandy!) and we enjoyed the day together. It was nice to have Matt's sister, Jenny home from Texas with her family. It was nice to have everyone together! Here are pics of the kids favorites...
Aly - My Little Pony - Ponyville collection, Barbie guitar & puppet theater
Braden - airport & cars, Cars chair, police motorcycle/rocker & trike
We are so blessed to have more than what we need.
We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Oh, and we did get a little snow... so, Aly insisted on going out to play in it for a few days.
Aly wanted to make snowangels (which she did laying on top of Daddy, because she didn't want to get wet) and a snowman (of which was about 8 inches tall). Maybe we'll get more snow so that we can conquer her snow fears!